Welcoming us were
- Dep. of Planning & Investment
- Dep. of Construction
- Dep. of Natural Resources & Environment
- Dep. of Science
- Center for foreign investment
We learned a lot about the water situation in Ben Tre, and discussed intensive water/ wastewater treatment needs from the province and project opportunities available.
Company members of water:hub South-East Asia were introduced.
A number of cooperation opportunities have been discussed, namely
1. Seawater / brackish water/groundwater desalination
2. Wastewater reuse for irrigation
3. Decentralized rural water supply schemes (such as water kiosks, etc.)
4. Freshwater storage and distribution (dams, ponds)
5. Operational support to water companies
6. Project financing under BOT / PPP schemes,
7. Stormwater management, “Sponge Cities”
We will keep working with local authorities to bring the on-paper projects to reality and further develop the planned and available projects.